How to make pumpkin seeds the worms

Noodle the worm is a popular drug in the folk medicine. Unlike the medication during a means that does not contain harmful, toxic ingredients, then you can use them, not only for adults but also for children.

The effect of pumpkin seeds worms

Pumpkin seeds can be delicious, and most importantly, effective to neutralize, and then pick out the worms. The value of treating the worms destroyed it gentle for the body, as without using serious chemical substances and the risk of side effects. The beneficial effects of pumpkin seeds on the human body contrast with the negative effect of the same device, the worms.

Pumpkin you worms? Active substance seeds — cucurbita which the poison to the parasite individuals entering the human body, is absorbed into the blood and paralyzes the worms so they don't die, but lose the ability to move, to cling to the wall of the intestine, reproduce and lead a normal life. Due to the fact that the paralysed worms deprived of the opportunity to eat, wait and see, it's their loss, they are physiological way removed from the intestines.

This cucurbita would poison the worms. This property has been on the shorty against parasites,-said the Chinese healers, they came to us this method of treatment of helminthiasis. By the way, this pumpkin parasites, provided that the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to eat them with the skin — specific shell, which contains most of cucurbita would.


Pumpkin seeds are effective against worms, any age, for adults and for children. In addition, the treatment for this folk remedy is very beneficial and practical to all people, that the seeds of the parasite causes the body of individuals and the prevention often.

So, the use of this device meets all the person who is subject to the following conditions:

  • the house pet, so regular, safe cleaning of the body from possible worm infection is visible for all family members — little, big;
  • treatment is necessary the child, especially at an early age, the use of a strong anti-parasite medications are not desirable;
  • there is a desire to periodically clean the digestive tract from possible infections, parasites, as a therapeutic, and prevention;
  • I suspect the existence of worms, but use of drugs is not desirable.

The mechanism of the effect of pumpkin seeds to the human body consider in the table.

ActionUse you
CleaningThe amino acids and fiber found, pumpkin, allows a short period of time to cleanse the body of toxins, metabolic products of the worms.
RecoveryLike the parasite in blood and other internal fluids, and tissues of the human body, the background of the disease, the people feel a lack-of energy, irritability, suffer his immunity. Shorty destroys and removes parasites from the body, so that the unpleasant symptoms. The vitamins and minerals included in the composition (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron) to restore health after an illness, one.
The parasites fight againstPoison cucurbita would contains only pumpkin. This is achieved, pronounced during action.

Of course, like medicines, treatment, shorty, not prejudice. Therefore, the main indications are:

  • kidney, gall bladder, stomach, liver, against which the medication during the activities is strictly prohibited;
  • children 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the elderly.

All of these individuals conservative treatment of worm infection is undesirable due to toxic drug effects.

The what kind of parasites pumpkin seeds help?

Cucurbita would, which is enriched with pumpkin seeds, which can destroy a huge number of parasites — size mm metres. Paralysis, and death, the worms, cucurbita would be excreted from the human body together with dead parasites.

As worms, which are effectively shorty?

The type of wormsName
Orsóférgek (nematodes)Pinworms, vlasoglav, and the Trichinella roundworm.
Tapeworms (cestodes)Broad tapeworm, bovine and pork tapeworm.
Flukes (trematodes)Liver flukes, Siberian Coincidence, Giardia.

Pumpkin seeds show that the therapeutic effect of these parasites. If you identify another pathogen, pumpkin seeds have anti-parasitic effect.

The broth

How to eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds also act not only against the worms, but also to facilitate the clinical symptoms of the disease. The application improves the immune system, normalizes the work of digestive organs, improve the appetite, promote the body the micro-nutrients. Pumpkin seeds the worms used within grated, raw or thermally processed, the main thing is that the same shell, which we talked about above, which contains the active substance cucurbita would.

Adult daily you need to eat at least 300 g, the seeds, the children of 70 g depending on age. In addition to this tool is recommended to drink herbal teas, or complement them, enemas, together with, to get rid of the worms, will be much easier. Also your proficient preparation of an infusion, or tea.

There are pumpkin the parasitic infection is needed on an empty stomach. To increase the efficiency of the means that can be combined with the reception of the complementary products, which also has anti-parasite properties as garlic.

How to make pumpkin seeds in the existing worms, described below.


We offer a choice of recipes, which allows you to refuse the medical treatment to help you to say goodbye to the parasites.

Pumpkin seed and castor oil. An effective method for the parasites. During the day the person is required to every day, at least 100 of you, it is important to chew them thoroughly. In the evening, before bedtime, you should drink a tablespoon of castor oil.

The course of treatment — 3 days. Shorty neutralize and destroy the worms, and the castor oil is a laxative effect to bring them together in a chair. In a few weeks, it is recommended to repeat the course in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease still in the body, the eggs, the worms.

If the recipe is used a child under the age of 12 years, the number of cores, and the castor oil should be reduced exactly twice.

Pumpkin seeds, honey. 300 g you will need to grind and mix a tablespoon of honey. If the mixture is very thick, you can add a little hot water.


Eat pumpkin seeds, honey, in the morning on an empty stomach. 3 hours to drink a laxative, you can replace the enema. The course is 3 days.

If treatment is necessary, the adolescent, the number of cpu cores should be 150 g, for children 6 years — 70 g

Pumpkin seeds, then the garlic. 200 g, in a short time fry it in a pan, without oil, water, heat treatment is superficial. If you're good, grind them to a pulp in a blender, and a small refined head of garlic.

The resulting mixture infuse for the whole night. In the morning, eat a tablespoon of ready mix. Let's eat, let's drink the next 3 hours, this recipe is not recommended.

Pumpkin, and milk. A glass of milk, a Cup of sunflower seeds, a creamy kind of cocktail in a blender and drink in the morning, instead of the first meal.

An hour later, drink a little boiled water, 3 hours later an enema or drink a laxative.

Pumpkin seeds, and fennel seeds. In equal proportions mix the seeds, the dill-balls.

Tablespoon of prepared mixture pour a liter of hot water for one hour and filter. Drink the tea 3 times a day. The treatment for 7 days.

Pumpkin and soda. Fry the seeds, without adding water, oil, then grind the meat grinder. 200 g of crushed vegetative mass, add 200 g of honey, a teaspoon of baking soda.


A decoction of pumpkin seeds. 500 g peeled sunflower seeds pour a liter of cold water, put the device in a water bath, and cook for 2 hours without boiling. After the soup is already cold a little, squeeze the seeds, strain the remedy and drink it within an hour in small SIPS. After 2 hours to drink saline laxative.

Each recipe based on pumpkin seeds is simple, accessible, use. 7 days after the end of each selected course of treatment is recommended to study the worms.

Treatment of the worms section

Parasites treatment against shorty three steps to be carried out. Each stage of the treatment lasts a certain period of time.

Sections Action
FirstExpected excretion of protozoa, round, tapeworm. The purification is carried out receiving infusion of sage morning and evening. Daily dose of wormwood infusion does not exceed 100 ml If you plan to use the tool, high probability of development of side effect — the breakdown. Prohibited cleaning wormwood pregnant. The course of treatment — 3 days, then a break for 5 days.
SecondThis is the withdrawal of the smallest remaining after the first stage of the purification, the single major parasite species. In the morning, on an empty stomach, to chew and to eat 300 grams of pumpkin seeds, anything, to wash the seeds is not necessary, because the fluids dilute the concentration of cucurbita would then give a chance for the parasites to survive. A few hours after drinking a solution of epsom salts, and an hour later a cleansing enema. The treatment on the day of the enema should be repeated every 2.5 hours, so up to 8 times a day. The treatment for 7 days, then a break, a time. Food during the therapeutic course should be gentle, without carbohydrate, fatty, fried foods. The author advises to eat cereals, vegetables and fruits.
ThirdThe last section, which during the liver cleansing. The cleaning done to the pure olive oil, a lemon squeezed juice. Both products have strong choleretic substances, but also have the ability to rid the body of any remaining parasites.

The method A. N. semen of the author's recommended by 4 times, the high degree of accuracy in order to cleanse the body of parasites, which is important to the individuals, the high degree of worm infection. Do not use this method in pregnancy and in children up to 16 years in individuals with the presence of the body of the concretions (kidney stones, gall bladder), or ulcerative lesions of the walls of the gastro-intestinal tract.


How to apply children

Since you are not a toxic effect on the human body, without fear can be taken in childhood.

How much, and how, to the pumpkin the body, the worms that the children depends on the age of the child. The general system with the help of the peanut in childhood, the following would be:

  • children 5-7 years — the maximum daily quantity of seeds 150 g;
  • 8-10 years — 200 g;
  • children 11 to 12 years — 250 g;
  • more than 12 years of age is 300 g or adult dose.

The fight against the worms are free to use these recipes for adults, but the dosage you are suggested, more to reduce the into account the age peculiarities of the child.

If the child is not yet 5 years of the treatment applied to seeds, pumpkin seeds and "jelly", which should produce the seed. For this purpose, the glass to clean the seeds (the preserved green shell), jump through need to be Ground, and beer, two glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be warmed using a water bath, simmer for approximately 2 hours. Then fire off dishes in the future medical science to wrap up, and then do the subsequent infusion for the night. In the morning strain the mixture, the collected liquid to stand for 30 minutes. During this time, the surface devices are shown, oily stains, that you want to collect, then pour it with a spoon, and then offer the resulting jelly baby, what you need to drink on an empty stomach. 7 days after the treatment with pumpkin seed milk is recommended to repeat.


Side effects, contraindications, and

Despite the fact that pumpkin seeds — fully herbal product, if you abuse them or use without permission of your doctor can harm the body.

Before the treatment the pumpkin, you have to remember that this tool, in addition to anti-parasitic properties, has a strong choleretic and laxative effect. This means that the product is absolutely contraindicated in chronic intestinal diseases by type of diarrhea, and the presence of the body foci formation.

The potassium-enriched pumpkin, increase urination, and thus kidney disease and urinary system is also included in the list of contraindications.

Zinc, phosphorus and group b vitamins, which are also abundant in pumpkin seeds, if you exceed the daily dose may also cause the following side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • diarrhea;
  • painful urination;
  • allergic reactions.

These pumpkin seeds the worms — really helps. Thank you for the active substance — cucurbita, the content of mineral substances, vitamins, pumpkin can be used in the treatment, prevention helminthiasisok infection in the body.